Angry Birds Gameplay #1 Poached Eggs Level 1-21

HowtoplayAngryBirds?...Thisistheflashversionofoneofthemostpopularphonegamesintheworld.Takecontrolofthisflockanduseagiantslingshot ...,Trainyourskills!Mastertheslingshottotakeonthepigsandcompetitorsaroundtheworld.Ruletheleaderboards!Buildtheultima...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Angry Birds

How to play Angry Birds? ... This is the flash version of one of the most popular phone games in the world. Take control of this flock and use a giant slingshot ...

Angry Birds 2

Train your skills! Master the slingshot to take on the pigs and competitors around the world. Rule the leaderboards! Build the ultimate flock! Recruit ...

Angry Birds 2

Join hundreds of millions of players for FREE and start the fun slingshot adventure now! Team up with your friends, climb the leaderboards, gather in clans, ...

Angry Birds 2 4+

Play the world's best bird flinging, pig popping game! Use the slingshot to fling birds at the piggies' towers and bring them crashing down – all to save ...

Angry Birds Friends

Master the art of the slingshot and aim for 3-star glory in the eternally fresh classic Angry Birds game! 30 new levels each week! Play all of the classic bird ...

Angry Birds Games

Angry Birds games take you into endless battles of evil birds against their sworn enemies — the bad pigs. These green piglets do not give rest to the birds.

Angry Birds Journey

Join Red and his friends on a slingshot adventure through changing seasons full of fun, challenging levels, and delightful destruction! Let the birds fly!

Angry Birds Journey on the App Store

Relax and unwind with the most fun and laid-back Angry Birds game yet! Features. - Pick up and play anytime, anywhere! No need to hurry, just enjoy the ride ...


Life is a bubble-popping dream in a new puzzle game with a gameplay style never-before-seen in an Angry Birds game. View game. Latest live streams. live streams ...


HowtoplayAngryBirds?...Thisistheflashversionofoneofthemostpopularphonegamesintheworld.Takecontrolofthisflockanduseagiantslingshot ...,Trainyourskills!Mastertheslingshottotakeonthepigsandcompetitorsaroundtheworld.Ruletheleaderboards!Buildtheultimateflock!Recruit ...,JoinhundredsofmillionsofplayersforFREEandstartthefunslingshotadventurenow!Teamupwithyourfriends,climbtheleaderboards,gatherinclans...